Wednesday, June 3, 2009

10 England: Training finished and 1 week to go.

I am now in England.

Last week I had the first ride on my trip ready F800 GS motorbike combined with my first off-road experience. Quite a reality check, leaving me feeling pretty daunted about the trip ahead. The F800 was a handful off-road, controlling it in the mud was the most challenging, riding up and down inclines of around 45 degrees also required plenty of concentration and 'positive conviction'.

The bike is now fitted with Metal Mule panniers, engine bash plate and Barkbuster handlebar guards, this was fortunate as I had a couple of 'offs' during the off-road training, I have a large purple bruise on my elbow.

At the weekend we completed more training - navigation, I will be using a Garmin 60CSx GPS; first aid and some basic bike maintenance and tyre changing.

The team of 16 are now all in their final stages of preparation; we have 13 riders, 1 mechanic, 1 medic and a tour guide. Already there seems to be a good vibe between us, developed during the training days and evening beers. With the aches and bruises subsiding from the off-road training and having put more miles on the bike I am feeling confident about the adventure ahead.

One week and a day and we will be leaving The Ace Cafe in London.

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